Janshi’s Surivior Story
Janshi Is A Modern Day Slavery Survivor
Janshi grew up in extreme poverty due to her father’s disability. She often went to bed hungry.Once considered old enough, she became a maid. The sole breadwinner, a life of consistent abuse unfolded under her employer.

Janshi grew up in extreme poverty due to her father’s disability. He was unable to work. Her unskilled mother had no alternative than to try and become the bread winner for their family.
It was tough. As a child, Janshi would often go to bed hungry. Money could just about afford them one meal a day if she was lucky.
When she was old enough, Janshi became a maid. She worked in a local house earning what she could to help put food on the table. Sadly, her employer took advantage of her circumstances as a poor young woman.
She was repeatedly abused and desperately looking for a way to leave. Suppressed, frightened and in dire need of money, this was no easy task.
Thankfully, Janshi found the courage to leave her job. She found out about The Liora Project sewing training centre. She shared her story with one of our overseers in India and was offered training and work as a seamstress for a while.
Today, she is one of the treasured and special women who works in our Training Centres helping to train others with sewing skills as well as assisting in the running of the schools. Janshi has 2 children and also helps to supports the rest of her family.
Her steady income from The Liora Project has meant she no longer lives a life of abuse or abject poverty.
She’s an important member of our team. We know her and her family members individually. Janshi loves her job but most of all, she gets excited about helping to train new people with the skills that she has learnt. Thanks for reading her story.

We work with many women who have stories similar to Janshi’s. Not all of them want their stories to be shared but Janshi has given us permission to tell hers, so that she can help others receive the same support and training she’s experienced.
It’s all made possible by your donations and support.
Every woman deserves dignity. Help restore her freedom.